
TimeLines: Crafting a Live Coding Musical Instrument with & out of Clojure

Dimitris Kyriakoudis

Wed 18.09, 17:20 → 30 min

TimeLines is an ongoing PhD research project in the design and implementation of Live Coding musical instruments. Live Coding is a creative practice that, at its core, involves real-time Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) with a live and dynamic computational system - as much an instrument as an open-ended instrument-building workbench. TimeLines follows a purely functional approach to music, treating both the synthesis of sounds and of musical structure to be functions of just a single numerical argument: time itself. All time-varying behavior is encoded in those pure functions, enabling the potential for massive parallelization and static analyses. Clojure's Lisp-heritage's metaprogramming powers are greatly relied upon to make an instrument that is capable of creating and extending itself.


Dimitris Kyriakoudis

Dimitris is a music tech PhD Student at Univeristy of Sussex, as well as a Live Coding Luthier & Performer

He's the creator of the TimeLines live coding system, originally written in Haskell, but since ported to Clojure.

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