
Staring into the PLFZABYSS - From the IBM AS/400 to Clojure & Datomic

Philippa Markovics, Martin Kavalar

Thu 19.09, 15:30 → 30 min

Starting in 2021, we naively took on the task of bringing mission-critical legacy systems in the automotive logistics sector into the modern era.

This experience report covers our eventually successful live migration from the IBM AS/400 to Clojure and Datomic. We look at both the technical and human organizational challenges we faced and share our failures and learnings along the way.

Thousands of globally unique 8-character column names, green-screen terminal UIs, skunk work projects and personal drama — this talk has it all!


Philippa Markovics

Philippa works as UI Designer and Frontend Lead at Nextjournal, mostly working on Clerk at the moment. Her main interests are in how we can make programming more tangible and data science more accessible. When she’s not working, you can find her planting food plots somewhere in the Austrian countryside.

Martin Kavalar

Martin Kavalar is a co-founder at Nextjournal, a hybrid between startup and research lab trying to improve programming. Nextjournal makes a polyglot computational notebook with a focus on reproducibility and a variety of open source tools, including Clerk, a programmer's assistant for Clojure.

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